The Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (APHVF), Cyprus, is the only NGO in the field of dealing with domestic violence in Cyprus since 1990.APHVF operates the National Help Line 1440 (24/7) for domestic violence issues and provides counselling services and support to both victims and perpetrators, operates an SMS service and a live chat service, organizes educational/preventative trainings/seminars/workshops by qualified scientific personnel to professionals, organizations, universities, volunteers, youth, children, teachers, general public, professional bodies etc. APHVF operates the only 3 shelters in Cyprus for victims of domestic violence (women and their children) located in three cities (Nicosia, Limassol, and Paphos). 

Due to high requests for shelters, the Association operates additional safe hosting places in Nicosia, Limassol and Paphos. Further, APHVF operates along with HFC the European Helplines 116000 for missing children and 116111 for counselling and support of children and adolescents. Moreover, APHVF operates a research center so as to design, and implement EU and National funded projects, statistics etc. Finally APHVF runs the Women’s House, where all relevant front-line services (Police, Social Welfare Office, Lawyers, Psychologists, Social Workers etc.) are hosted and offered to women victims of violence and their children.


The Association for the Prevention and  Handling of Violence in the Family (APHVF), Cyprus.

Helpline 1440, SMS 99-984042, Live Chat on,

Email:, Message on Social Media.σπαβο-aphvf-29350a147






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This website was funded by the European Union's Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)