The planned activities of the OSSPC

-Investigate, map, and comparatively analyse current work with perpetrators in Cyprus, UK, Italy Greece and Romania, in order to estimate the scale of the problem; provide a needs assessment; and suggest relevant perpetrator programme for professionals in the form of non-criminal justice intervention/voluntary perpetrator programmes. 

-Formulate policy recommendations on the needs and importance of developing perpetrator programmes in the form of non-criminal justice intervention in Cyprus, UK, Italy, Greece, and Romania; highlighting the need to undertake systemic change to embed new practice approaches. 

-Develop minimum standards for voluntary perpetrators behavioural change programmes as well as a joint Capacity building programme: preparing professionals for men change aiming to increase the capacity of frontline workers and improve their knowledge, skills and abilities to adequately address perpetrators of DV. The capacity building programme will be accompanied by a handbook for trainers and trainees to deliver the capacity building programme, which along with the other project results, will be available to the general public as a resource, and with the creation of a regional online platform for resource sharing so as to ensure their sustainability.

-Prepare regional strategies for an integrated response to incidents of domestic violence as a tool to foster multiagency responses to incidents of domestic violence. 

-Develop protocols of collaboration between governmental and community based agencies that will form the working agreement between partners with a focus on collaborative and consistent service response that increases safety, reduces risks, and helps to prevent further assaults in the community. 

-Raise awareness events on the importance of perpetrator programmes as a tool to prevent and combat gender-based violence through targeted workshops, public roundtables, National Info Days, and an International Conference. 

The contents of this website represent the views of the author only and is his sole responsibility and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

This website was funded by the European Union's Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)